Board of Directors Approved 05/01/03

April 3, 2003

Present: Bardizbanian, Gemmer, Steiner, Wilson, Justus, Frisbie, Olsen, French, Fell, Brooks, Capozzo, Sottana

Ex-Officio: Koch

Excused: Hughes

Guest: Ray Story

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Preliminary Construction Costs for Holes #1 & #8 - Ray Story
Story would like to reconstruct holes #1 and #8 at the same time as he feels having the supplies and equipment on the course at the same time will do less damage than bringing the equipment back a second time. The best time to break ground is in the fall.

There was a discussion on the Tufa excavation as it was not included in the estimate. The amount of Tufa needed to be removed for the new bunkers is unknown until the excavation begins. Koch suggested drilling holes in the areas of reconstruction to determine the depth of the Tufa to insure the placement of the new bunkers as per drawings.

The bunkers on #1,#8 and #12 will be done by GVCC staff as part of Story's 2003 C.I.F. below the line items. The bunkers need to be replaced even if rebuilding the greens does not occur.
Story wants to refine the preliminary numbers before requesting Board approval.

Minutes of April 3, 2003
Olsen motioned to approve, Wilson seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report


Greens: See Motions.

Well: The new well is testing at 350 gpm and various pumps are being analyzed.

Golf: Small receptacles will be placed by the men and women's tees to encourage golfers to pick up their broken tees.

Due to safety issues, the Board would like the committee to make a recommendation on how to discourage golfers from sending errant balls which have been hit too hard into the maintenance facility.

During the Ladies East Bay Team Play the amount of unrepaired divots demonstrated a lack of respect for our course. The Board is requesting a recommendation from the committee on this issue.

House: See Motions.

Membership: The committee will finalize the draft for a corporate class of membership at their April meeting.

Social: The Ladies Fashion Show is progressing. To date, Club events have been well attended.
B&G: The committee is progressing with bids for termite repair work, painting various areas of facilities and acquiring a new storage unit which will be placed behind the Main Kitchen.

Pool: The pool will be opening Saturday, May 3 without lifeguards. The committee is looking into planting new shade trees around the pool area. The Fitness Facility draft is progressing.

By-Laws: Discussing a proposal to raise the amount of funds available for the Board to approve within any fiscal year.

Membership Sales & Notations

Prospective Members: Benetti, McLaughlin, Coakley, Nerland, Finger. French motioned to approve the applicants, Olsen seconded subject to completion of the posting period. The motion carried.
Request from Family of a Deceased Member: The Mussey family has requested that his membership be a priority sale as there is not a legal spouse to transfer the membership. This request is subject to the necessary papers required by the Club. Olsen motioned to approve, Brooks seconded. The motion carried.


Green Committee: Three proposals were obtained for the bridge renovations. The committee recommends the ZFA proposal for a bridge rail system. Frisbie motioned to approve funds not to exceed $7,500 and that $5,500 be applied toward the engineering drawings. The funds will be from the 2003 C.I.F. French seconded, the motion carried.

House: The committee is requesting funds to refinish the patio furniture. Olsen motioned to approve up to $4,600 and that the funds come from the maintenance operation budget. Gemmer seconded, the motion carried with one opposed.

Contra Costa Country Club: Requesting two (2) foursomes including carts for their Men's & Women's Invitational's and will reciprocate the same. Olsen motioned to approve subject to the Golf Committee's approve, Fell seconded. The motion carried.

Armijo High School FFA: A member request for a donation to use at their fundraiser on April 4, 2003. The Board declined the request as they are encouraging members to use the guest passes.

G.M. Equipment Purchase Request: Capozzo requested to purchase two coffee dispenser urns for functions. Olsen motioned to approve, Steiner seconded. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.Respectfully Submitted,
John Justus, Secretary

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